At this moment
in this land called Egypt
the ardent day melts to evening
and I know I cannot live
without these woods
without the wild things
resting in the Shawnee Hills.
Quietly, humbly
they shame us
to civilization or numb murder.
And I sit here
feebly gathering evidence
that the deer wet rising
from her bed of wild rye
geese bivouacking in sedge meadows
beside an outwashed river
the kettle bottoms trilling with frogs
all are of great consequence.
I lift the night to my ear
like a dark shell and listen.
There are no right words
for solitude
for god-shot wisdom so abundant.
My aging cocker clicks
across the porch, restless.
Walk lightly friends
in this fine imperfect world
finer perhaps than the next.
Bless the owl’s blooded whir of wings.
Bless those ridiculous, lonely-sounding crickets.